Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nearing the End of July

Fourth of July party in Valparaiso was great. Had a great time. They want me to DJ next year for them. That will be cool.

I am going to try to get back to writing something in here every now and again. I've been having my usual amount of thoughts about things, but not finding the moments to sit and write them here. I've been more busy lately which is good. Better than being bored and unemployed.

Wish I was independently wealthy though. Also wish I had some extra income...anyone know anyone that needs a DJ? LOL...

Well, until next time.


1 comment:

Arlee Bird said...

Yeah, that independently wealthy would be a great deal--then I could pursue more of what I'd really want to do. I'm still unemployed, but never bored. Something's going to have to happen soon cause my money's going to run out before much longer.

Hope you are having a wonderful summer!

Tossing It Out