Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Pride is such a dangerous thing. Lucifer's fall was precipitated upon his desire to be greater than God.

Man rejects God's precious gift of Jesus out of pride...man's desire to be the master of his own life. Families and friendships are destroyed due to pride. The simple act of saying "I'm sorry" is often not said due to pride. So much violence and hatred is inflicted upon society because some people's pride had been hurt.

I read a report once that said some of the most violent acts have been committed by people, not with low self esteem, but with rather a high bit of self esteem. They believed themselves to be self important and if someone disrespected them, they got violent.

Hatred and racism are based in pride. "I'm better than you."

Religious people refuse to love those whom Jesus called us to love out of a misplaced sense of pride. "I am God's child, I can't been seen with 'that' person. I can't talk to that person." Funny though, Jesus, God in the flesh, always talked to those whom the religious would avoid.

Maybe I'll have something more to say...if you read this great. If not, I hope you at least look into Jesus.

Blessing until another day.