Friday, September 14, 2012

New Computer and Mission Year

Greetings all.
I am writing this on a new computer that I received from my daughter and her husband.  It's a really nice HP laptop.

I love getting new stuff, but sometimes it can complicate life. I have to transition over everything to here. I have to collect stuff off the old computer. Email addresses and DJ emails and software...etc...

Enough of that. I get really testy sometimes when I have to do stuff like that...LOL...I read somewhere that talking about your problems DOESN'T help. Seems that constantly talking about your issues just makes them worse. Why? you may ask. Because it just keeps reminding yourself about what you are mad about in the first place.

Just praise God and move on with your life. There is great power in Praise.

Anyway, let me tell you what is happening right now with my son. He is current on a mission in Texas. He's working with the group MISSIONYEAR.ORG . If you are interested in donating to help him out got to MISSION YEAR DONATION and down at the bottom at the pull-down menu "Designation:" find my son's name SAM MCCLEAD. Help him out and help out a great organization.

If you are interested in helping him out or writing to him, send me your email address and I'll pass on your information, or you can email him at

Thanks again for reading my ramblings.